关于「 decoded」的内容列表

Polkadot Decoded Asia roundtable discussion: Web 3 infrastructure continues to improve

At Polkadot Decoded Asia in Singapore, Emerick Mary of Foundry served as the moderator of the roundtable discussion, guiding several guests to share their perspectives. James Liu of Alibaba Cloud believes that the large-scale use of Web3 will necessarily go through Web2, so Web2.5 is also an important stage. The latest areas of attention in Web3 are node services, high-frequency transaction processing, and Depin. Dr. Chen Feng of Autonomys Network said that the future of AI requires not only hig...

2024-09-17 16:58:04
Polkadot Decoded Asia圆桌讨论:Web3的基础设施不断完善

现场报道,在新加坡举办的Polkadot Decoded Asia中,Foundry的Emerick Mary担任圆桌讨论主持人,引导几位嘉宾分享观点。 Alibaba Cloud的James Liu认为,Web3的大规模使用必然要通过Web2,所以Web2.5也是重要的阶段。最新关注的Web3领域是节点服务、高频率交易处理和Depin。 Autonomys Network的Dr. Chen Feng表示,AI的未来不仅需要更高的效率,更要考...

2024-09-17 16:58:04
Polkadot Decoded Asia Roundtable Discussion: How Investors See Market Liquidity Now

At Polkadot Decoded Asia in Singapore, Wilfred Daye of Sylvanus Technologies served as the moderator of the roundtable discussion, guiding several investors to share their views on current market liquidity. C ² Ventures' Ciara Sun said that while hyping Web2 funds into Web3 is very helpful for market liquidity, I still hope that in the world of Web3, there will be products with real technical value. Co...

2024-09-16 17:14:04
Polkadot Decoded Asia圆桌讨论:投资者如何看到现在市场的流动性

现场报道,在新加坡举办的Polkadot Decoded Asia中,Sylvanus Technologies的Wilfred Daye担任圆桌讨论主持人,引导几位投资者分享对现在市场流动性的看法。 C² Ventures的Ciara Sun表示,虽然通过炒作让Web2的资金进入Web3对于市场流动性来说非常有帮助,但我还是希望在Web3的世界能真正出现有技术价值支撑的产品。 Co...

2024-09-16 17:14:04
PolkaWorld: PolkaWorld maintains good relationships with developers in many ecosystems

In the live report, at Polkadot Decoded Asia held in Singapore, Patricia Arro of Polkadot SEA | OpenGuild served as the moderator of the roundtable discussion, guiding several guests to share their experiences in helping build a polka ecosystem. PolkaWorld's Kristen said that PolkaWorld maintains a good relationship with many developers in the ecosystem, and will play to its own strengths to pass on PolkaWorld's strategy to all developers, attracting developers to enter the PolkaWorld ecosystem....

2024-09-16 15:07:22

现场报道,在新加坡举办的Polkadot Decoded Asia中,Polkadot SEA | OpenGuild的Patricia Arro担任圆桌讨论主持人,引导几位嘉宾分享了自己所在社区帮助建设波卡生态的经验。 PolkaWorld的Kristen表示,PolkaWorld与许多生态的开发者都保持良好的关系,在接下来发挥自身优势,将波卡的策略传递给所有的开发者,吸引开发者进入波卡生态。 AIWeb3的Dr. Ca...

2024-09-16 15:07:22
At Polkadot Decoded Asia, several guests shared their organizations' thoughts on investing in Polkadot's ecosystem

At the Polkadot Decoded Asia conference in Singapore, JSquare's Angela served as the moderator of the roundtable discussion, leading several guests to share their organizations' reflections on investing in the Polkadot ecosystem. Terry Culver of Digital Finance Group points out that Boca strikes a good balance between sustainability and safety, and is very willing and adept at connecting investors with Boca's ecosystem. Isaac of SNZ Capital mentioned that the diversity of the polka ecosystem enh...

2024-09-16 12:27:30
Polkadot Decoded Asia大会上多位嘉宾分享了他们所在机构对波卡生态投资的思考

在新加坡举办的Polkadot Decoded Asia大会中,JSquare的Angela担任圆桌讨论主持人,带领几位嘉宾分享了他们所在机构对波卡生态投资的思考。 Digital Finance Group的Terry Culver指出,波卡在可持续性和安全性之间达成了良好的平衡,并且非常愿意且擅长将投资者与波卡生态项目方紧密联系。 SNZ Capital的Isaac提到,波卡生态的多样性增强了生态的稳定...

2024-09-16 12:27:30
Kun Peng: The integration of AI with blockchain and cryptocurrency will open a new chapter

At the Polkadot Decoded Asia conference in Singapore, Kun Peng, founder of the Stanford Blockchain Accelerator and Application Summit, delivered a keynote speech "Looking Forward to a New Chapter of AI and Web3 Convergence". Kun Peng pointed out that the current large AI companies are focusing on efficiency and the performance of AI models, but ignoring key factors such as data privacy, transparency, traceability, and verifiability, which are the potential directions for the integration of block...

2024-09-16 11:57:22
Kun Peng:AI与区块链及加密货币的融合将开创新篇章

在新加坡举办的Polkadot Decoded Asia大会上,斯坦福区块链加速器及应用峰会创始人Kun Peng发表了“展望 AI 与 Web3 的融合新篇章”主题演讲。 Kun Peng指出,目前大型AI公司专注于效率和AI模型的性能,但忽略了数据私密性、透明性、可追溯性和可验证性等关键因素,而这些正是区块链与AI融合的潜在方向。此外,加密货币的应用可以增强AI代理人之间的沟通,并为开源模型和工...

2024-09-16 11:57:22
Parity chief operating officer: The ultimate vision of decentralization is for the community to determine the overall development direction

At the Polkadot Decoded Asia conference in Singapore, Chrissy Hill, chief operating officer and chief legal officer of Parity, gave a keynote speech entitled "How to maintain decentralization and compliance in Web 3.0". Chrissy pointed out that Web3 has an ambitious mission to bring value to billions of users and to generate a new, fairer global digital economy and supportive business models. One of the important core values...

2024-09-16 11:24:11

在新加坡举办的Polkadot Decoded Asia大会中,Parity首席运营官兼首席法务Chrissy Hill发表了题为“如何在 Web 3.0 中保持去中心化和合规性”的主题演讲。 Chrissy指出,Web3肩负着为数十亿用户带来价值的宏伟使命,并催生出一个全新、更公平的全球数字经济和支持性商业模式。其中一个重要的核心价值...

2024-09-16 11:24:11
Scytale Digital to Launch New Polkadot Ecosystem Fund in October

Fabian Gompf, CEO of Web3 Foundation, announced at the Polkadot Decoded Summit that Scytale Digital will launch a new Polkadot Ecosystem Fund in October, the exact size of which has not been disclosed.

2024-07-12 18:18:15
Scytale Digital将于10月推出新Polkadot生态系统基金

Web3 Foundation首席执行官Fabian Gompf在Polkadot Decoded峰会上宣布Scytale Digital将于10月推出新Polkadot生态系统基金,基金具体规模暂未披露。

2024-07-12 18:18:15